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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

2 forward and only one back - better than the other way round!

I would never in a million years claim to be perfect.  Whenever I take it into my mind to try to achieve something, I always go all out, but I do tend to burn out quite quickly, and I'm aware of this.  I don't intend to trifle with my diet though, because the stakes are too high, but that doesn't mean that I'll never slip, only that when I do I'll start over and try harder.

My food diary has died a death this week.  For some bizarre reason I thought I'd remember what I'd eaten, which is a bit of a joke as I can barely remember what year it is without checking these days.  I have odd bits written down and most of my fruit has gone so I know I ate it, but I don't have a complete record to offer of what I ate when and in what combinations.  And tonight I bought and drank most of a bottle of non-organic (but vegan) white wine, which I've not done for ages!  I may finish the bottle tomorrow, but I'll probably not buy another until nearly Christmas, and I can live with that.  I was drinking at least half a bottle a day a few months ago - I'd not want to go back to that and I won't.

In other news, another 2lbs of weight had left me when I got on the scales on Saturday morning.  That's 3lb so far, little short of miraculous.  It's not what this is about, but as being obese is so unhealthy, I am very pleased by this side effect.

Less pleasing is the news that my hand is poorly again.  It's never really recovered from the ailment that took me to the local GP surgery for the first time in years, a few short weeks ago.  A course of antibiotics helped, but my hand never fully recovered from the underlying problem and now I think it's infected again.  When I massage cream into it it feels as though I have a handful of sand in the mix, where hundreds of tiny bumps are itching over the palm.  Something has irritated it badly, and the favourite suspect at present is Mr Sheen.  When I do my cleaning job I wear a cotton glove under a latex glove for the wet work.  But for the dusting I go in naked, and that may be a mistake.  But cleaning with a hand tressed up almost to the point of immobility is uncomfortable and inconvenient and not terribly efficient.  I have another employment option to pursue, but I don't really want to lose the work I do at the moment because I find a satisfaction in it and that's valuable.  We'll see.

Spinach rice with roasted tofu, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.  Mushrooms and rice organic, the rest not.

Organic brown rice with tinned chickpea dhal (Sainsbury's, not organic but all real food ingredients, no chemicals) and a salad of cucumber (organic), tomatoes and avocado sprayed with balsamic vinegar.

Red pepper stuffed  with rice, spinach, toasted seeds, sauteed onion and mushrooms.  Jacket potato and salad of tomato, cucumber and celery.  All organic except spinach and tomatoes.
My first lunch after my visit to the organic farm shop.  Veg braised in stock: onion, celeriac, golden carrot, yellow beetroot, red pepper and pointy cabbage (all organic) with a jacket potato (also organic) and a dollop of conventional hummus.
When I have time I'll write up the bit of food diary that I recorded, but these photos should at least show that I've not lost the plot entirely.


Blogger Just Humans Being said...

Fab foodie photos - all looks so good & nice to be losing a few lbs too!

You've hit the nail on the head... That evil polish is terrible - we both suffered from dermatitis from it, Sime's was really nasty & I had such choking episodes every time we were using it. Eventually, we insisted on using our own products - Bio D polish is absolutely fine.

I said this before, but it can clear up a severe rash in about 4 days... Put 4 drops of tea tree oil in freshly boiled water - just half a cup. Let it cool, then dab the affected area with cotton wool dipped into the tea tree/water mix (make sure your other hand is clean). Thoroughly dry it off with kitchen roll. Then gently dab some of this on to the area:
Let it soak in for about 5 minutes, then dry it with a hairdryer. It sounds such a farce & it needs to be done at least twice a day. It's really important to keep your hand dry (I know it's not practical), but once you've healed it this way - it shouldn't flare up again... Providing you don't use Mr S polish! I use this same procedure for Bebe's fungal infections, for which the doc will prescribe steroid cream... My way clears it quicker & it really is longer lasting. Normal aloe doesn't work in the same way, so make sure it's the tea tree one.
We haven't suffered with our hands for over 6 years now.

I'm sure your healthy eating will help to fight it & maybe you are detoxing, so skin complaints will get worse before getting better.

Hope this more detailed version helps!

Kay :-) xx

1 December 2014 at 19:39  
Blogger Playing Hooky said...

Thank you Kay, I will follow your advice and it's reassuring to hear that I'm probably blaming the correct item!
I actually ordered some of this over the weekend:
Do you think that will be ok? It is aloe vera with tea tree, just not the one you recommended. I don't have a hairdryer and heat on the rash sends me into orbit with soreness and itching, so would it be ok to leave the hairdrying part out?
I am thinking seriously of either giving up the cleaning and only doing shopping, which will mean a significant decrease in an already very low income, or taking a couple of months off then starting again from scratch.
My hand never really recovered fully - the infection went, but the skin was pink and shiny and looked like a burn scar. Also there were still little spiky "tags" of skin sticking up on the palm, so really it was only a matter of time before the infection was going to set in again. :(
I'm glad to have you behind me, thank you! xx

1 December 2014 at 20:38  

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