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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Monday, November 24, 2014

To box or not to box

I've had a peek at this week's organic box contents and am thinking of giving it a miss.  Apart from the staples, the ingredients will be kale, leeks and swede, all of which I can live without this week, plus beetroots and  mushrooms, both of which I would like.

The staples are potatoes (nowhere near enough for me), carrots (I like them a lot, but the quantity is too much) and onions (about right).  My own staples would include mushrooms, tomatoes and cucumber, but this company regards them as extras and I feel their absence.  I got a cucumber and some mushrooms at Sainsbury, but I have no tomatoes and a salad's not the same without them.  I must learn to be more flexible!!

I think this may be a week for visiting the shop and picking out my own.  I am replete with carrots, parsnips and leeks, and I still have a bit of swede from the first week in the fridge.  I like it, but only mashed with carrots and as I tend away from meals of "something" with several veg, there aren't that many times when I'll eat it.  They open on Friday's for personal shoppers, so if DH is off work (quite often in on a Friday) then I'll pop over.  Otherwise it's back to Sainsbury and an extension on the mortgage!


Blogger Just Humans Being said...

Is it possible to order the vegetables you'd like, rather than the box? Riverford do salad bags & boxes, which we sometimes get on top of our order. :-)

28 November 2014 at 09:55  
Blogger Playing Hooky said...

In theory (if you read the website), no. They do say if there's anything you don't want EVER, to email them and they will always leave that out and substitute something similar. But there's no online opportunity to pick and choose beyond that.
So we went there today and selected our own, and it was great! I got a HUGE pointy cabbage, must be about 3lbs in weight, for £1, plus loads of other stuff, really good quality for less than £14 (and if Steve hadn't included half a dozen free range eggs, it would only have been £12). I got A small celeriac, potatoes (3 kgs nearly), onions (red and white), carrots (orange and yellow), golden beetroot, chestnut mushrooms, the giant cabbage, 2 small avocados, tomatoes, 2 red peppers (50p each!) and a white cabbage for coleslaw! All organic. And you pick your produce from the shelf yourself, so no split toms or wrinkly peppers. I think I've found the motherlode.

28 November 2014 at 20:34  
Blogger Just Humans Being said...

That sounds wonderful - Wished we had somewhere like that in Cornwall!

Enjoy your feast & look forward to seeing the photos!

:-) xx

28 November 2014 at 21:02  

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