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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The next bit. Still doing (mostly) ok.

I'm going to drop the preceding "O" for Organic and start showing everything I eat that counts towards the government-recommended 5 a day (fat lot most of them know about nutrition, but still) in bold and everything that's organic underlinedAnything bold and underlined is, fairly obviously, both.  That way, K and I can see at a glance how much of my intake is organic, and how much fruit and veg/pulses I am managing to eat.

Food diary:
Monday 17th November 2014
Breakfast: 6 Oatcakes, tea with soya milk
Lunch: Tin veg soup, Bread & spread, tea with soya milk  Half a 100g bar (or possibly more) of dark chocolate.  What was I thinking? (Actually I was thinking "Yum, more, gimme more!")

Monday's dinner
PM: Glass soya milk - note to self, I like the taste of Alpro organic soya milk.
Dinner: Steamed Brussels, boiled mashed swede and Carrot with tarragon and less than a tsp olive oil, Smoked tofu roast - Packet stuffing mix with added fried Onion (tiny amount of oil), Mixed seeds, Tomatoes, bouillon powder, nuritional yeast, cubed smoked Tofu, all mixed together, heaped onto a baking tray, sprinkled with mixed seeds and baked at about gas mk 5 until browned.  Not bad, but would have been better without the tomatoes. As usual I made far more than I needed, so loads left over.  Good job I like leftovers!  Believe it or not I had some more chocolate afterwards.  Had a rough night's sleep and felt pretty gross in the morning in consequence - I think that's what did it, anyway.  I had 2 mugs of Sleep Easy tea before bed, and that may have been too much!

Tuesday 18th
Breakfast: Leftover tofu bake in a 2-slice sarnie with wholegrain mustard and tea with soya milk
AM: Apple, banana and a few walnuts
Lunch: :Salad of  wholewheat pasta farfalle, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, balsamic dressing and salt. 1 boiled sweet (my last one).
PM: Slice of bread and peanut butter
Dinner: Leftover tofu bake and leftover pasta salad with a few shakes of tamari.  A couple of squares of chocolate.
I had trouble going to sleep, but slept ok once I was off.  I think there was too much carbohydrate in my dinner (In the whole day, now I look back!), consequently I was still buzzing at well gone midnight, but you can't get up and start hoovering, can you?

Wednesday 19th
Breakfast: Toast & peanut butter, tea & soya milk
Lunch: Homemade soup, made with Mondays' organic carrot and swede water (saved in the fridge), red lentils, leek, potatoes, bouillon powder & black pepper.  Nice.  1 slice Bread (no spread).

I have some mung beans (the only organic beans I could find at the weekend) soaking, but no idea what to do with them.  Something with rice, I think, I'll have to search for a recipe.  Thank goodness for the internet, whatever did we do without it?

In the end I didn't bother with a recipe.  I boiled the beans until soft, meanwhile I sauteed an onion, carrot and parsnip in a little olive oil, and when softened added a good shake of chilli powder and let cook a little longer.  Then I added a tin of plum tomatoes and a very generous squeeze of tomato puree, some water and the beans. I turned the heat right down and let it think about things for a bit while the brown rice boiled (salt added).  About 5 mins before it was all done, I whizzed a handful of pimento-stuffed green olives to a rough paste and stirred them into the chilli, to season.  It was very successful and tasty and of course I have a ton left over!  It will be good on wholewheat spaghetti (it's quite bolognesey in consistency) or on a jacket spud for a quick lunch.  I may freeze some.
I wish I'd had some lovely green parsley to make it a bit more photogenic


Blogger Just Humans Being said...

You are doing amazingly well!

Being heavy on the carbs on Tuesday would definitely make you buzz, as our bodies turn carbs into glucose... Top it with a few squares of choc & you tip the balance! Easily done!

Love the look & sound of your mung bean meal!

Kay xx

20 November 2014 at 23:07  
Blogger Playing Hooky said...

Thank you! I was just thinking that I'm still not eating enough veg, but so long as I am aware of that and make small adjustments (rather than stressing over it and feeling a failure, which is my tendency!) then I know I'm on the right path.
The mung bean chilli did remind me of you guys, although I know you would have had several other things with it, but I don't enjoy cooking as Simon does and I don't want to make it a chore.
When I think back to how I was eating, a significant improvement has already been made!
What can I do to address my dry skin problem please? I'd rather do it from within if possible rather than rubbing stuff in, not least of all because I touch my animals a lot and don't want to affect them. xx

21 November 2014 at 10:30  

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