Early days - mostly food diary. Fascinating to me, probably not to you.
It makes sense to keep a log of what I'm eating and drinking, and it will help K to help me if she knows where I'm going wrong and right.
I should say up front that I am taking this whole process a step at a time, and don't know where I will ultimately end up, except that it will be with a more healthy diet than I started with. I also will not be junking any of my existing food stocks, even the really poor ones, because above most things I abhor waste.
With that in mind, this is what I've been eating/drinking (excluding tap water). Anything organic will be preceded with an upper-case O:
Day 1 - Tuesday 11th November 2014
Breakfast - Porridge made with oats, 1 apple (skin on), 3 purple plums, 3 dates, soya milk (just a bit, mostly water), mixed spice, ground cloves, vanilla essence. Tea with soya milk.
Lunch: 2-slice sarnie of wholmeal bread, blue Sheese and home-made coleslaw (red cabbage, onion, carrots, red pepper, celery vegan salad cream, salt and pepper). Tinned pineapple. Tea with soya milk.
Afternoon: a 2-slice peanut butter sarnie and a few boiled sweets.
Dinner: Home-made, soup of onion/parsnip/potato/carrot/cauli/red lentils salt & pepper, vecon stock, turmeric. Made and ate quite a lot of this - it was good!
Day 2 - Wednesday
Breakfast: 2 slices of toast & peanut butter and a smoothie made with water, banana, plums, apple and a bit of tahini that did not improve the flavour - I won't do that again but I was aiming for a calcium boost. Tea with soya milk.
Lunch: Leftover soup, 2 slices of wholemeal bread and vegan spread.
Dinner: The last of the soup and the rest of yesterday's coleslaw with olives added. A glass of soya milk.
Evening: 2 or 3 boiled sweets, 3 squares of chocolate and a handful of cream crackers.
Day 3 - Thursday - my recording of this day was patchy, I may have left things out.
Breakfast: 2 slices of toast & peanut butter, tea with soya milk
Lunch: 6 oatcakes, redbush tea and soup made with celery, onion, carrot. potato, tinned chickpeas (in water), cauli, lo-salt, turmeric, pepper. Not nice. I think the celery clashed with the chickpeas and it lacked something with just salt rather than Vecon.
Dinner: Leftover soup spiced up with chilli sauce and onion salt. Better but still not that nice. 2 slices bread and vegan spread. 7 Rich Tea biscuits.
Evening: Glass of soya milk and handful of cream crackers.
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Part of my organic haul from Saturday's shopping. I tried not to use Holland and Barratt, but in the end I had no choice. |
Breakfast: 2 slices wholemeal toast, vegan spread and mixed fruit jam (ran out of peanut butter!) a handful of walnuts and 2 mugs of tea with soya milk.
Lunch: 2 slice organic peanut butter sarnie (I went shopping) :)
Dinner: Curry (made by DH, dear husband) from a kit, with added Opotatoes, Ocarrot, chickpeas (tinned) and white basmati rice.
Evening: several squares of dark chocolate, mug of green tea with lemon (from a bag)
Day 5 - Saturday
Breakfast: 2 slices wholemeal toast and low fat shop-bought hummus, 1 apple, 1 banana, tea with soya milk
Lunch: 2 slices wholemeal toast and low fat shop-bought hummus (yes again, I love hummus!) Olemon & ginger tea (from a bag)
Dinner: Roast veg (all organic) - potato, parsnip, swede, carrot and mushroom, barboiled, coated in garlic-infused olive oil, salt, pepper and dried mixed herbs, then roasted on a baking sheet. Served with OPurple sprouting broccoli, OLeek and frozen peas all braised in stock, (Note the broccoli stems and leaves - I made this!) and half a pack of OSmoked tofu.
Supper: Pack of OOatcakes

Day 6 - Sunday
Breakfast: 2 slices toast and hummus, 1 banana
Lunch: leftover roast and braised veggies with balsamic dressing.
PM: bowl of OPorridge with ODates and walnuts. Slice of OBread & vegan spread
Dinner: Stuffed OMushrooms (packet stuffing mix, OOnion, celery, Oseed mixture, bouillon powder). OJacket potato with the last of the hummus
. Steamed OBrussels, OPurple sprouting, baby sweetcorn, asparagus, mangetout, and a glass of white wine!
I mentioned that I *hate* waste. Imagine then my dismay when I saw that on Sunday Dear Husband had reduced this:
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A perfectly lovely big head of organic purple sprouting broccoli |
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A few sad little purple sprouts and a big pile of leafy greens and edible stems in the compost bag. |
I'm impressed!
The smoothie might have worked better with milk instead of water - my favourite fruit smoothie is banana, apple & pineapple with coconut water!
The soup (Day 3) may have been better with more carrot & red lentils, instead of chickpeas. Roasted red peppers can also be a nice addition. I think herbs & spices are important in soup & can make or break it!
How do you cook your tofu? We fry ours in a few drops of soy sauce, though we do buy the plain variety - also delicious scrambled!
We love steamed purple sprouting & we keep all the leaves on. Nice with a squirt of fresh lemon juice & some black pepper. Lemon juice is also great in soups & stews to just lift the flavour, we add it at end of cooking. Add by the teaspoon until it's just right!
Look forward to seeing more! :-) xx
Hurray, I've impressed someone! :)
I'm sure you're right about the soup - I was trying to vary ingredients for the sake of varying the nutrition, but that was one bad combination! Peppers are a good idea - one of he best soups I ever had was a Sarah Brown one I think, red lentil, roasted red pepper and coconut cream.
Tofu - bizarrely I like it best cold and raw, just as it comes from the packet, ideally with tamari (probably too much tamari!)
I like the firm sort, not so impressed by the soft type. But I can actually appreciated it cooked in any fashion. Marinated in tamari/water mix to cover and then dry-roasted in a hot oven is good. :)
Ideally I would keep all the leaves on purple sprouting too!!!
Yes, lemon, I did use it in the lentil soup though probably forget to list it as an ingredient. Totally agree with you, it is a wonderful addition, particularly to soups with sweet veg like carrots and parsnips.
Thank you for the feedback xx
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