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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Greens, greens, greens greens

Today is organic box day and I am disappointed.  Last weeks was pretty good overall - potatoes, carrots, onions, brussels, chestnut mushrooms, tomatoes, purple sprouting, leeks.  A good variety and I liked almost all of it.

This week I decided to try a mixed fruit & veg box, plus some extra potatoes as we get through quite a lot  and a lemon.  I upped the size from a small to a medium to that I would get just as much veg, just extra fruit.  The trouble with that is that the boxes are deigned for increasing numbers of people, so instead of more variety, I got larger quantities of just a few types of veg.  And it's not their fault, but I really dislike several of the items.  There are spuds, carrots and onions as standard, every week, which is fine.  But the greens this week are savoy cabbage, curly kale and leeks, none of which I like when they are recognisable (leeks are good in soup).  But to me savoy and kale aren't good in anything, so I'm having to think up ways of disguising them.  Tonight is bubble & squeak, with added onion and red pepper and tamari to try to take away the taste of the savoy.

Unfortunately the box I got originally was a medium veg box, and it had all sorts of nice things like purple kohl rabi, celeriac, raw beetroots, red onions and cavalerro nero (sp?).  But it was the wrong box so I had to give it back and have instead a load of things I don't like.  Next week I'm going back to just veg - the bananas are bright green so won't be edible until next week anyway, the apples are woolly which I dislike and the pears are like bullets.  So definitely not worth doing again.

I'm starting to remember why I gave up on organic veg boxes last time. :(


Blogger Just Humans Being said...

Have you ever tried kale chips?
They are fantastic!
We have the same problem with fruit, we leave our bananas bagged up for a week, before putting them in the fruit bowl & the apples we just use in food if they are not good. May be stick with the veg! :-) xx

20 November 2014 at 23:20  
Blogger Playing Hooky said...

I've not tried kale chips, no. Will have a look, thank you. x
No, the fruit was definitely not a success. I'm a bit picky about fruit at the best of times, and one of the reasons I don't eat a lot is the ripeness issue, which of course you don't get with veg. So I'll definitely go back to just veg in the boxes. which is a shame because I know just how much poison is used on orchard fruit, having been involved in developing a computer system for a fruit grower in Kent many moons ago. I swear, people wouldn't eat it if they knew! xx

21 November 2014 at 09:30  

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