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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday sautee

Still doing ok, I'm feeling fine and in good spirits and I can't ask more than that.

Breakfast:  A banana, 2 slices toast and butterbean & olive pate (you get a lot from just one tin of beans!)  tea and coconut milk (ok, but I'll stick to soya)

Lunch: The rest of last night's salad with the rest of the tin of chick peas. 2 Lidl's own brand weetabix with coconut milk and a chopped banana

PM: A kiwifruit

Dinner:  I couldn't put off the dreaded moment any longer - it had to be kale!  I sauteed in water and tamari a large carrot, onion, leek and 5 big leaves of torn-up kale.  Meanwhile I boiled some potatoes (peeled the scabby ones, scrubbed the rest).  I topped the potatoes with the last of the butterbean pate and served with the veg.  Considering that I'm not a fan of leeks and I can't seem to make myself like kale, it was ok.  Some of the pate mixed into the veg juice and made a thickish garlic gravy, which helped.  If it had been spring greens rather than kale I would have enjoyed it a lot, but sauteed kale is way too chewy for my taste.  For something sweet afterwards I had a slice of bread with peanut butter and mixed fruit jam.

Evening: Drink of coconut and soya milks mixed.

I'm actually feeling pretty good, but I'm not going to assume that a change in diet could make much difference so quickly.  I think it's likely the psychological boost of knowing that I am acting to address my health and ageing issues rather than resigning myself to my fate that's contributed to my current wellbeing.  K says I can expect to see improvements in about 4 months, as my cells renew themselves with good nutrients rather than struggling to find the raw materials they need in cream crackers and oily potatoes.  Poor things.


Blogger Just Humans Being said...

Perhaps the kale chips will make you feel differently about kale... I remember the kids telling us how if you force yourself to eat something 12 times, you'll end up loving it - they all decided to do it with olives & it worked!

You could mince the kale & sprinkle it into soups, stews & on salads like chopped herbs. We minced kale last night with coriander & added it to our carrot & lentil soup - I like colourful food!

I'm so glad you are feeling good - being an established vegan probably has a lot to do with improvements happening already. Vegans usually respond to treatment quicker than others... Makes sense! :-) xx

23 November 2014 at 22:58  
Blogger Playing Hooky said...

I'll give the mincing a go - well, blitzing in the food processor as I don't have a mincer. As the texture is more of a problem to me that the flavour (it feels like I'm eating a small green doormat) that might do the trick. I had a look at the kale chip recipe and I don't have most of the ingredients for it, so that's maybe one for the longer term!
I love colourful food too. "Eat a rainbow" is the rather whimsical advice, isn't it? I've yet to find a really good bright green other than peas though, especially cooked as most greens tend towards khaki once fully done.
Carrot and lentil soup sounds like a great idea! I have some organic lentils of both colours now and an embarrassment of carrots, so that may be lunch!
I have relied too much on being a vegan to keep me healthy. Having said which, lord alone knows what state I'd be in by now if I'd followed my atrocious eating habits whilst also eating animals and their body fluids. Doesn't bear thinking about, at any level!
Thank you for the feedback and encouragement! xx

24 November 2014 at 12:28  

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