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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The bit of Thursday that I didn't spend grizzling, I spent eating.


Breakfast:  Leftover rice and chilli from last night.  Wasn't really hungry but I never go to work without eating.
Lunch:  Leftover soup from yesterday, slice of bread & spread.
PM: An apple and 4 dates.  A slice of bread and peanut butter. A banana and another (organic box) apple later.
Dinner: Bubble & squeak - onion and red pepper sauteed in water & tamari, boiled potatoes, steamed savoy cabbage, soya milk, salt & pepper.  All mixed together and dry-fried in a non-stick pan.  Leftover chilli from last night, olives and sweet pickle.  No chocolate left, so had some Swedish Glace vegan ice cream.

I have the muchies something shocking, for no apparent reason, although not having access to chocolate might have something to do with it.  Definitely feels like comfort eating.  Anxiety levels not helped by the fact that I have no more comfort foods available!!


Blogger Just Humans Being said...

Apparently, a satsuma or orange after your evening meal can help to stop sugar cravings... Maybe a soya milk hot chocolate or cocoa would do the trick too!

I'll post a recipe for a very quick chocolate date sauce/icing which is really good & satisfying! :-) xx

20 November 2014 at 23:31  
Blogger Playing Hooky said...

I like satsumas, but tbh I think if I wanted chocolate and had a satsuma I'd feel like I was on a diet and get more upset! The date sauce/icing sounds much more promising, thank you!!! And yes, cocoa might work, will remember that one! :) xx

21 November 2014 at 10:16  

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