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Location: Sussex, United Kingdom

I'm Cathy, wife, daughter, vegan, animal lover, cat lover, dog owner, crocheter, childless, 60s, part-time home helper, part time personal shopper, part-time IT professional, amateur fundraiser. Looking to make my life as good as possible whilst causing as little harm as possible.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thoughts on juicing

The results are amazing, either that or I am suddenly, coincidentally, miraculously transformed.

I have been lacking in energy and enthusiasm for years - most of my life I would say.  I'm overweight, sluggish, generally under par, groan when I sit down, groan louder when I stand up.  I was starting to think that it's just a matter of getting older and having parts - mainly joints - that simply aren;t up to the job any more. 

But this juicing lark has really made a difference.  Within literally a day or two of starting, my achey knees are fine, I don't feel the need to grizzle every time I stand up, or collapse with a sigh onto the sofa.  I'm trotting up the stairs with no complaints at all, I'm sleeping far better than of late, and I have energy for everything that I want to do.  It's wonderful, really it is.  Little short of miraculous.

I'm juicing at least once a day, usually twice.  I always start with a couple of organic carrots, and usually at least one apple.  After that it's a matter of whatever I have and fancy at the time.  I have successfully used watermelon, ginger, celery, cucumber, pineapple, pears, broccoli, fennel, kiwi, red and golden beetroot and grapes.  I have tried and rejected cauliflower and spring greens  My thoughts on that (after "yuck") are that it's probably best not to juice anything that you'd not be happy to eat raw. 

There are still so many fruits and veggies waiting to be explored!

Washing up the juicer is a nuisance, and isn't doing my hands too many favours, but overall the benefits are far more numerous and obvious than the trifling down side.  I started a cold on Friday; by Wednesday I was symptomless, and I was able to walk the dogs on all days between except for one.  Normally a cold floors me completely, and my husband, who started his 4 days before me, is still suffering 10 days later.  I did make him one juice but he's really not keen.  His loss!

I'll be keeping this up as long as the juicer and my ability to buy good-quality and mainly organic fruit and veg last.


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